Modern Applied Sciences
[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJMAS]Role of Genetic and Environment in the Development of Disorder: Schizophrenia
by Kavit S. Mehta
Human population have one of most common, devastating and least understood neuropsychiatric illness that is schizophrenia. This disorder is generated by the action of genetic and environmental effects. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) shows the result that more than 100 loci has been identified which have high risk of schizophrenia. Monozygotic twins have a high risk of this disorder as compare to the dizygotic disorder. Different models has been developed to find the relation between genetic and schizophrenia. In the same way, Environmental is also a factor that give their impact in the generation of schizophrenia. In environmental factors, parental, perinatal, season birth and so on may be the cause of schizophrenia. But it is found that individually genes or individually environment is not responsible for the development of disorder. The gene as well as environment both are necessary to produce the disorder. This paper represents the role of genetic and environment in the development of schizophrenia disorder. Keywords: Schizophrenia, Genetics, Perinatal, Monozygotic Keywords: Schizophrenia, Genetics, Perinatal, Monozygotic
Indian Electoral System & EVM
by Udit Singh
India the largest democratic country in the world. In India election determines the structure of government. According to the constitutional provision of India elections are conducted and the laws are supplemented which are made by the parliament. The division of country has been put into in 543 parliamentary constituencies, each of which proceeds one MP to Lok Sabha. Independent Delimitation Commission determines the shape and size of parliamentary voters. The basic phenomena of Indian elector system is based on the election and In India elections are conducted by using electronic voting machine (EVM). Fundamental right to vote or simply voting in elections forms the basis of democracy. In previous year electors cast their votes by using the stamp against the name or symbol of his/her favorite candidate but it cause security and transparency issue. But now Electronic Voting Machines are used in election. This article discussed about the electoral system of India and the features of machine used for voting which is electronic voting machine (EVM). Keywords: India, Democracy, EVM, Constitution Keywords: India, Democracy, EVM, Constitution
The Use Antiepileptic Drug (AED) during Pregnancy
by Surya Kiran Sharma
In the world, Epilepsy is known as the communal severe disorder related with neurological factors. Women with epilepsy i.e. WWE understanding numerous physical and social problem related with gender. At the time of pregnancy, the chief concerns linked with epilepsy that contains fetal and maternal threat from abandoned attacks, and damaging effects of handling on the growth of young ones. In pregnant women, increasing the risk of safety whenever an antiepileptic drug is taken by patients but this drug is not totally safe to use in pregnancy as the danger of fetal aberration is improved. Before conception, planning must be done for managing the women’s epilepsy during pregnancy. Without medical advice, the existence of an unexpected pregnancy must not be treated with quick alteration or cessation of an antiepileptic drug. In this case, should be used the minimum effective amount of a drug with a small threat of teratogenicity. During pregnancy, doses or amount may require modification as the pharmacokinetics of particular drugs. In this paper, discussed about the using the antiepileptic drug at the time of pregnancy and security of antiepileptic drug use at the time of pregnancy. Keyword: Antiepileptic drug, Teratogenicity, Epilepsy, Pregnant women
Sunspot Cycle-Window to Our Galaxy’s Past and Future
by Anushka Patil
The succession of day and night and the cycle of seasons are two acquainted natural cycles around which many human happenings are planned. But there is a third natural cycle also which is of great importance for humans. There was an event took place on 13 March 1989 where the electricity went out for many hours in Canada: a large detonation on the sun was exposed as the reason for this shutdown. In further researches, it was cleared the mystery that explosions occur above sunspots which is actually dark structures on the surface of the Sun that have been detected through telescopes since the period of Galileo. The first ever record that is found to be in written about sunspot sighting dates back to 28 B.C There’s fascinating science behind the sunspot cycle. Astronomer S.H. Schwabe is regarded as the first scientist who describes the 11-year sunspot cycle. The sum of sunspots has been found to undergo alternate increases and decreases over a period of 11 years. This cycle was exposed less than two centuries ago, it is becoming progressively significant for us as human civilization becomes more reliant on technology. For nearly a century after its discovery, the root of the sunspot cycle stayed completely masked in unidentified situation. In 1908 strong magnetic fields were discovered which made that the 11-year cycle is actually the magnetic cycle of the sun. It is only throughout the last few eras that major growths in plasma physics have at last given us the linking evidence to the backgrounds of the cycle and also about how the large explosion is affecting the earth. Keywords: Sunspot Cycle, Earth, Temperature, Magnetic Field, Changes.
Hypochondriasis: Primary care and Specialty settings
by Astha Vyas, Ganga Sharma
Hypochondriasis is considered as the disorder related to the somatoform that is marked by the pre occupation that is repeated and having fear of disease which can be life-threatening. The explanation on the basis of etiology for hypochondriasis have revolutionized over time from a stance of psychoanalytic which is an unconscious manifestation to the social learning, behavior relative to cognition and the biological models that emphasizes on the functional moral of the hypochondriasis disorder that is fully parallel to the disorders of anxiety. Different kinds of developments in therapeutic at the time of emphasizing the necessity of therapeutic association. The psychotherapy, reassurance, psychopharmacology and the mental health of an individual are shown clearly. The primary care and the specialty in the non-psychiatric physicians care for the patients having hypochondriasis disorder. The clinical perspectives and treatment specifies the various settings of this disorder. Keywords: Hypochondriasis disorder, psychotherapy, non-psychiatric physicians